What is a stress fracture in the back?

what is a stress fracture in the low back
A low back stress fracture (known as spondylolysis) is when small cracks develop in the bones of the lumbar spine (low back). The cracks do not happen suddenly like they would with a traumatic event such as a car accident. They occur over a period of time when the back has been under excessive load. Initially, there are no symptoms, the symptoms will appear with repetition of a movement over time.
Spondylolysis is most common in the sporting adolescents population. The most common sports where stress fractures occur include cricket, soccer, weightlifting, gymnastics, acrobatics and dancing.

Causes of a back stress fractures:

Movements that involve repetitive backwards bending and rotation can cause low back stress fractures. For example, constantly arching your back backwards by doing bridges, walk overs and back bends in acrobatic classes can load your back unfavourably over time.

Symptoms of a back stress fracture:

  • Pain that is worse with backwards bending activities.
  • Pain is one-sided.
  • Tenderness when pressed over the effected area.
  • Pain can get worse with standing.
  • Pain eases with rest.

How to diagnose a back stress fracture:

Your clinician will take a thorough history and conduct a physical examination. Imaging such as x-ray or MRI scan can help diagnose a stress fracture.

How long does a back stress fracture take to heal?

A stress fracture typically takes about 8-16 weeks to settle. At Artistic Sports Physio, a graduated return to sport plan can be tailored to your recovery time frame and your performance goals. A physiotherapist will work with you to identify areas in your body that can be improved to ensure you are executing your sport with optimal form.

If you are concerned about your back and have had ongoing back pain in your sport, book in for a consultation.


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