sports physiotherapy

Artistic Sports Physio is experienced in consultations for musculoskeletal injuries or dysfunctions. Industry specific to the performing arts include dance, circus arts, gymnastics, cheerleading, physical culture, calisthenics, figure skating, skateboarding, singing, acting, musicians, back stage crew, stunt performance, trampolining, diving and parkour.

Athletic screeningpre-pointe assessments and Clinical Pilates are also services provided by Artistic Sports Physio.

Treatment methods include hands-on manual therapy, trigger point dry needling, Alexander technique, Feldenkrais technique, patient active therapy using movement and breath, exercise sessions, Clinical Pilates and education.

We offer group workshops and presentations, including safe dance practice, pre-pointe information sessions for both parents and students and dance technique workshops. These workshops can be customised to meet the specific needs of your school, ensuring a tailored and comprehensive approach to dancer education and injury prevention.


What happens in my first session?

All treatment sessions at Artistic Sports Physiotherapist begin with an initial consultation. During this consultation;

  1. A history is taken about your injury/concern, general health and previous history. Sport specific questions will be asked about your training regime to understand your work load.
  2. A clinical examination is performed with special tests specific to your presentation. It is asked if possible, that you bring your training prop or instrument with you to the consultation so you can be thoroughly assessed. For example: if you are a musician, bring your instrument with you. If this is not possible, bring in a video of you performing the concerning task in your training environment.
  3. After a history and assessment is conducted, a provisional diagnosis is discussed.
  4. Treatment is commenced based on clinical reasoning.
  5. A plan is put in place to manage your injury/concern.

Other services of artistic sports physiotherapist that may occur during the initial consultation include referral for imaging, liaison with teachers, coaches, doctors or case managers.

Do I need a referral to see a physiotherapist?

No. A physiotherapist is a primary care practitioner therefore no referral is required.

What do I wear?

Wear clothing such as singlets and shorts so more of your body can be seen upon examination.


How much rebate do I get on my private health insurance?

Every health fund is different and also has different levels of cover within that health fund. Contact your health fund provider for a quote on how much of the treatment cost is covered under your private health insurance. Instant claiming is available through Hicaps at Artistic Sports Physio. Medicare does not cover treatment. However, if your doctor has referred you under a Medicare enhanced primary care plan, part of your treatment cost will be covered. Please bring your referral form with you.


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If you are unable to attend your appointment in person due to illness or locality, a video consultation can be arranged.

Medicare chronic disease plans with Dr referral

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You may qualify for a care plan that is covered under Medicare where a portion of your treatment is subsidised. A GP referral is required.

Workcover injuries

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Artistic Sports Physio is a provided for Workcover Queensland. This includes the care, planning and rehabilitation of an injured worker returning to full duties.

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